Sunday 10 November 2013


We hope that you all had a wonderful half term. We're now in the second half of the autumn term - time is flying!
For the upcoming week (w/b 11.11.13), our topic is 'Heroes'. As you know, Monday is Remembrance Day so we will be doing activities involving poppies, and talking about their significance - poppies will also be sold in school. During the week, we have lots planned including the children discussing every day heroes - leading to 'what I want to be when I grow up'.
Friday is Children In Need - the children will be doing activities based around Children in Need and Pudsey bear, of course. There are badges and wristbands available to buy in school and also within Nursery we will have our loose change Pudsey Bear.

The following week  (w/b 18.11.13) is a Languages/International theme week in school. In Nursery our language focus is Makaton, which uses signs and symbols. Perhaps you could ask your child to show you some of the words/actions they have learnt at the end of the week.
Our overall topic for this half term is 'Around the World'. We will be setting up different parts of the Nursery as different countries - and 'travelling' by a hot air balloon and a flying carpet!

Thank you to the new admissions parents that came for the settling-reviews last term - we hope you found it helpful. This term we have parents meetings for the parents of children who had started Nursery before the summer - we look forward to seeing you.

Now that the weather is getting colder, please ensure children are wrapped up warm as we do go outside every day!

Thank you
The Foundation One Team

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